Saturday, March 26, 2011

this is how i am

I am a half lazy half “gosh I can do it myself lemme alone,” type of person. I am probably the only extremely talkative person who likes to be alone and quiet sometimes. I like to splat paint on a piece of thick paper and call it a masterpiece. I seem to be a spacey person to other people. Sometimes I go home and play my instrument for hours until my mouth is numb and sometimes I avoid looking at it. I have a very funny and weird family. I have 3brothers and 3 sisters and I am “aunty” to 13 members of my family. Both of my parents are tall. My dad likes to crack toilet jokes to my friends when they call me and he picks up before I do. I am very clumsy and I trip and fall a lot but I never manage to break anything. I have a lot of random impulses to say something sarcastic, and I smile too much. I used to eat paper, mechanical pencil graphite lead, and chew on my toys. When I was 3 I spilled scolding hot coffee on my left foot and got 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

I like classical music by Bach, Holst, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Chopin, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, and Vivaldi, just to name a few. I’m moving soon! I’ve spent most of my childhood in a car going here going there, not very pleasant. My favorite TV show is house and my favorite movies are Donnie Darko, the hangover, and wanted. Lastly, I have a very odd obsession with Japanese stuff and people, Mulan (I know she’s not Japanese but I still like her), and books with one word titles(i.e. crack burned, crooked, flipped, shug, flushed, twisted, speak. I do things sometimes and forget people are watching. Sometimes I make weird faces at ppl when they call me and don’t say anything. Im forgetful and without my student planner id have an F in all my classes. and I am so disorganized that the school accidentally made me a most organized award and my writing teacher hung it up on her wall to make her laugh.