Saturday, March 26, 2011


My full name is Kathryn Patricia Douglas. Kathryn meaning purity is the name of my grandma. She was Kathryn Galaway, then Kathryn Elder. In a way I am a bit like Esparanza having the same name as my grandma. Unfortunately she died when I was young and couldn’t remember. She has epilepsy. I was almost Maddie my other grandmas name but she died from cancer when my dad was 9 so he didn’t want to give me such a depressing name. Also my mom’s name means the same thing as mine. Purity. My middle name Patricia is my aunt’s first name and my mom’s youngest sister.

My last name is Douglas; it’s from my dad’s side of course. It’s a Scottish last name and somehow there are these two Douglass in Scottish history. The black Douglas (no pun intended) and the red Douglas. I guess this infers that I have some Scottish in me from somewhere.

My most common nickname is Kathy. I have been called this since the 5th grade but I regretted it. In the 5th grade I made a lot of new friends and all of them knew me as Kathy. I tried to get rid of it coming to California but I gave in. I was like ugh what the hell...fine.
My other nick names are Kat, Kath, Athy, kitty, kitkat, patty, or Marce (which shouldn’t be part of my name at all). Kat is usually what my “buddies” who thing that I don’t seem like a Kathy call me, I prefer to be called Kat but Kathy sticks like glue. Kath is what a person who is really close to me will call me, if there was such a thing as intimacy in my life, the intimate person would most likely call me Kath. It’s like a cutesy name for me. Athy is a teasing nickname and only guys who really want to get on my nerves call me athy. Kitty and kitkat are family names. My cousins have been calling me kitty since before I can remember and its kind of annoying since I have grown up and they still call me kitty. Patty is a nickname for Patricia which is what my sister calls me. In return I call her patrivita because that’s her middle name. She hates it. Lastly a lot more people on my mom’s side of the family call me Marce because my sister and I sound/look similar and that is my sister’s name. Plus most of them are too old to remember my name is Kathryn.