Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My n looked like an r, so they laughed at me. Truth is I was never the best speller, nor the most self controlled. Then my best friend Lex, wasn’t my best friend anymore either. We got into an argument cuz she thought I’d be a good idea to make me jealous of her, but it didn’t turn out too well. They made fun of me, really made me feel like nothing.
I ran away, cried, tripped and then the anger in my small stomach slid up my throat and came out as loud screaming and swearing. Lex, her cousin, and friend laughed. They laughed until they cried, and I stood there in my long frilly socks and stupid sundress. I handed her cousin a note and then I said “don’t ever come back to my house”. But she had something to say to me and stuck her foot in the door before I could slam it. “We don’t want to come over your house anyway. You’re a loser.”
At school the next morning, I got on the bus to hell. Lex and her cousin were there looking at the note I gave. When they say me the two and their group (that I was no longer a part of), moved to around where I sat, and simultaneously chanted. “YOU DON’T MEAN E-R-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G, ERNYTHAAAANG” I didn’t know what they were talking about at all until they through the note I had sloppily written at my face. I read it, and I felt stupid. Stupider than stupid. It said “you don’t mean er(n)ything” but then n wasn’t completed so it looked like an R.