Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I stood at the bus stop with all of the other girls and boys, watching my “best friend” talk to them. they blapped on about some girl and her chest, they said she stuffed it.I Never talked to them myself, because they’d never talk to me,i was a "loser". I looked back and forth at their big mouths hanging open, and happen to notice a hair that poked out at the top of her head. I figured it must be really embarrassing to talk about someone else's appearance when hers was crooked too, I so I picked it up and moved it. As soon as I touched it Lex slapped me right in the face. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. But worse than the slap I feared for the blappity-blaps that float around in the school air, more fluidly than oxygen itself.
We got on the bus and I heard them saying things about me. I cried, and my cheeks stung from the cold, one more than the other because of the slap. Soon after we got to school word spread. I got lots of “Dude, why did you pull her hair?!?!” , but I never did. I never would pull anyones hair,especially not hers. When I walked from P.E. to math class, people glared, others giggles and whispered, and the rest of the lot spread the rumors. The rumor that I, kathryn douglas, pulled her best friends hair out and got punched in the face.
Hell, Im sure they believed it. My face was hot, anger hot. And finally at lunch,she walked up to me and asked “so are you going to apologize”. I thought long and hard about it. My only friend, since the 2nd grade. “im sorry” I said. With my head lowered and my dignity gone I could have cried until my eyes fell out, but this was the beginning of a frozen heart. My face was straight and my heart was slowly but surely icing over. Turning out anyone who dared to treat me like I was in their way. Id rather leave, and die..