Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who Are You Really

Sarah Winchester, a widow driven to insanity had a house like a maze, unsure where you’d end up next. The mansion in California said to be haunted was occupied with one woman and many ghost seeking revenge for their deaths indirectly caused by Oliver Winchester Sarah’s husband. He and Sarah’s daughter died suspiciously and perhaps she’d be the next. To trick the evil souls in her home she made her house into a puzzle, as is the mystery of the Winchester mansion.

Ghosts wander the halls of the Winchester mansion with only one thing on their minds, vengeance. The Winchester’s family before tragedy was known for rifles mainly used in the civil war, and people killed by that weapon sought revenge. Sarah, the wife of the Winchester family, suffered a great loss when her husband and nine day old daughter had passed away, but things took a turn for rock bottom when Sarah went to see a fortune teller.

“There is a curse which took the life of your husband and child... Ghosts roam the halls seeking vengeance because of the weapons created by the Winchesters family... You must flee and build a home for you and spirits who’ve fallen from this terrible weapon. You must never stop building or you will share the same fate and you husband and daughter. Keep building and you will live. Stop and you will die.” Sarah did as told and that’s when havoc spilled into Sarah’s life. She fled to San José, California where she found a 6 room house. It did not stay that way though once what the medium said caught up to her.

“For the next 36 years, they built and rebuilt, altered and changed and constructed and demolished one section of the house after another. She kept 22 carpenters at work, year around, 24 hours each day. The sounds of hammers and saws sounded throughout the day and night.” She built on so much because there where many traps she’d hoped would trick the evil spirits and make them leave. Mishap struck when the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 hit the mansion. Sarah thought of it as punishment for finishing off the front of her home. She boarded up the front so it was never to be finished. One rainy night after conversing with the spirits Sarah Winchester went to sleep. Permanently.

Was Sarah simply off her rocker or is there something, or even someone lurking in the dark halls of the Winchester mansion. There have been many reports of orbs seen floating threw rooms in the mansion. The house is very strange, endless it seems. Sarah was only a misfortunate widow caught in the wrong situation, shaken from loses she suffered, and cursed. even though Sarah seemed crazy there is the slightest chance that the Winchester mansion was indeed infested with chaotic revenge-thirsty so