Sunday, October 3, 2010

Q is always so ashamed or so proud. like he's bipolar

Q often goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment. In the text Q exhibits prideful arrogance in several situation such as when he says: “ but we had nothing in common with them; on the contrary, our skin, smooth and slippery, was such as no fish ever had”. This shows that he thinks that land animals are more visually pleasing, than old fish. In several cases he obviously forgets where he comes from.

He shows shamefulness when he reflects on Lll’s family who seems to be some of the most civilized land creatures that existed at the time. “her relatives made me a bit ill at ease; hers was one of those families who had become established on earth in the earliest period and had finally become convinced they had never lived anywhere else.” This shows that he feels inferior to land creatures that were born on land, as if he was jealous. Obviously he is somewhat self concious

Lastly, he shows more arrogance when he is speaking with Lll about his uncle, when explaining that they would populate the world as land creatures he says “stop repeating that old fool’s nonsense. The world belongs to those with legs, not to fish, and you know it.” This shows again that he is being proud and discriminative to fish. He’s saying that land creatures are better and are the ones that deserve the world.