Thursday, October 14, 2010


phobias ~
Phobias affect many people, mostly in America. All fears have cause a trigger and a cure.

Define phobia?
Phobias are violent irrational fears that can be of many things, from bald people to Germans, that cause little to no harm. Scientist have studied phobias for a few decades, but they have yet to come up with a legitimate scientific reason as to why phobias occur.

Past connections?
All phobias are rooted from fear that wasn’t eased.
They usually develop in early childhood and can be learned by family members or can be caused by a bad experience. Habits developed as a child to calm fears can cause phobias by making the child believe if this tradition or habit isn't done that something bad will happen to them.

Symptoms include, uncontrollable anxiety, the need to get away, knowing you have a phobia, sweating, rapid heart beat, difficulty breathing, feeling of panic, and anxiety at the thought of the object.

Fear is natrual to dangerous situations and usually has a trigger. Triggers are situations, people or objects that make you afraid. What can be a trigger exactly? The trigger can be a sight smell or sound that reminds you of that thing you fear. For example if someone has a phobia of fire and smells smoke the smoke would trigger fear and in this case the smoke serves as the trigger.

The circle of fear
Fear and phobia development has a process called the circle of fear.

1.something makes you worry
2. the body responds to this worry.
3. the body sets off other worries
4.worries about future and well being starts
5.Worries about body reactions worsen fears
6.increased fear causes fear of losing control
7.a fear of the fear develops
8. the cycle repeats itself

What phobias cause:
Phobias can cause anxiety disorders,they can change behavior to a point of being disruptive.
Can cause post traumatic stress disorder. A compulsion is feeling like you absolutely have to do something, and an obsession is a constant unwanted thought. OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) is caused by phobias but is uncommon in younger people with a phobia.
OCD can be a result of or cause a phobia. Phobias can cause substance abuse and social isolation. Men tend to mask their phobias with drinking. “8.7% of Americans have a phobia and are over the age of 18 although phobias appearing in childhood. ”Age groups 11-15 usually suffer from social phobia .

Treatment: coping skills
Coping skills are realistic solution that are used to deal with challenges and icky situations while having a phobia.It uses their past to heal them;Includes deep breathing exercises and imagination techniques.

Treatment: exposure
Exposure pushes a person with a fear to face that fear head on. People who go into exposure therapy in the early stages of an undeveloped phobia can stop it. A person in exposure therapy has to be willing to get rid of their phobia,The last most recent way to cure a phobia is by memory alteration. Scientist say you can stop a phobia by removing the memory of whatever traumatized the person. this process is completed in the 6 hour trauma stage The trauma stage is the 6 hour time period that the circle of fear cycles constantly. Scientist think they can remove that part of the memory before the phobia develops. The only problem is they cannot distinguish bad memory from good memory.


Victor Liang said...

My response post: