Friday, January 14, 2011

looks, doing things, changing. ~ why not be yourself

DON’T WANT: Personally I wouldn’t really change anything about myself. No matter how much I complain, I love myself. I wouldn’t trade any part of my face to be prettier, or my body to be sexy or anything like that. Not in a conceited way but nothing is better for me than being me ; In my own skin. No ones pimples are like mine and no one has hair just like mine either. Im not being self absorbed again, I just believe that im fine the way I am, even if it is my natural tendency to down on myself. If I felt I wanted to change myself I wouldn’t depend on anyone else but myself either.

DON’T NEED: I wouldn’t go get tattoos, perms, contacts (unless it’s a joke or costume). I also don’t want people changing me. Im not going to let a robot wipe my ass and feed me then extract the fat from my body and dispose of it. That’s not necessary. I can feed myself; I’ve been wiping my own ass since I was 1 and a half years old. I don’t want a maid and I definitely don’t want other people making my cup of noodles. ~I wouldn’t upgrade my body parts either. If I wanted to be taller then I’d eat a lot of proteins and pray to grow taller. If I wanted to be skinnier id work out. I’m not going to use foundation because I don’t want gook on my face when acne eventually goes away.

PROPS TO: People with prosthetic body parts are cool because they found themselves a way to not be glued to a wheelchair; I admire them for the brains behind their invention and use of prosthetics. However I would rather work out any day them take the easy way out with liposuction or something dumb like that. There is always a way to be different without being fake or taking the easy way out.

DICUSSING: I talked with Kasia about this. Beauty is within, pretty is on the outside. There is always more to a person than looks. Sometimes it may be hard to find something to like about a person but you should challenge yourself. Find something in every person you meet!