Friday, December 17, 2010

last book response to unwind

For our last class discussion we talked about
- Unwinds and memories of their parts
- The riot and why they deserve to be told they should be unwound
- And how unwinding reminds me of the holocaust
If a person receives memories from their organ that came from an unwind then why get them. I think that if they spent more time working on surgery techniques and not going back to medieval ages with chopping up people then maybe they’d get somewhere. I find it dumb that they can see that they keep killing people who are young the human race can possibly go extinct, because it is killing the offspring of other people. Why should others get to choose who lives and dies?

The riot made me angry. The ungrateful brats deserved to be told that they should be unwound, however not unwound. They are so busy thinking about how someone could be a killer that they forgot that admiral was the one who set up the whole thing. House from house they could have been killed in the houses before the graveyard, but he didn’t have that intention. I thought it was rather obvious that the whole thing was just a rumor but kids fall for rumors so easily that it’s truly sad.

Unwind reminds me of the holocaust. During the holocaust it was the killing of Jewish and other minorities. In unwind it is genocide of teens, its genocide because it’s the government who is in control of it. We don’t know who the Hitler is but there are a few differences. Concentration camps were realistic they looked murderous. Unwind camps was an illusion, everything looked happy but in reality it was just a sugar coated concentration camp with staff that told you u weren’t really going to die. I’m not sure which would be worse.

To me it could be a chain reaction because things could start off today with abortion, its legal. Then they could say “I can’t handle these kids” and just as easily kill us. Before I thought that abortion should be legalized because it’s a choice but peoples choices are not the way to go. If the world was based off the choices of regular people then the world would be more corrupt than it already is.


Lhadze Laceration said...

WOAH! This really does remind me of the Holocuast! I never would of really suspected. Well all I have to say is that that was so brutal of the people to do! I could only imagine what it's like to be unwinded. Im shaking in my chair I mean it sounds cool to see organs but when it's not your choice, you forced, you don't even stand a chance it's a whole different story. I totally see the idea your coming off of. I mean it's like saying HEY HAPY BIRTHDAY!-Pulls our blade- SORRY WE LOVE YOU. Boom there and now. Thats the most horrible thing to know when you that young. I'm still confused why they have to get unwinded. Maybe if you can answer that later on it would be pretty helpful. Unwind camps and Hitlers camps are the same actually. If you've seen The Boy In Striped Pajamas, you'll seee how they told the public they were doing good. But the truth was that it was all a HUGE scam. The same in the story. And one commment on abortion, to be honest it should be the girls choice, not the government or some judge. If you can't support or you can't deal with the baby, if you were raped it's a woman's choice. Always.