Sunday, December 12, 2010

CD #2 UNWIND i cant believe this is the second time i did this late, im just gunna die /depressed

For the second discussion on unwind, we talked about the same things, Except the Lev issue. Lev is a you boy who has way more time then Connor and Risa to have to survive. We felt bad for Lev because he has no way of making it until we find out that he is sent to the graveyard too. Still then I feel as though Lev may be at risk of danger. I think Roland is going to try and do something to Lev, or turn Lev against Connor and Risa.
The scene in the book that was most entertaining was when Roland followed Risa into the restroom, of course risa was pissed at Connor for not interfering but it was the right thing to do. If he had attacked Roland then he would have gotten kicked out.
I think that Roland’s strategy is similar to Hitler. It is done not by attack but by smarts. He plays dumb until people figure out that he isn’t. I find it sad that he doesn’t have anything better to do with his time.
Once more we talked about donating and unwinding. My table mates and I all agree that donning is better than killing a person for an organ, but we also realized that it was also to kill off the teen population. There is a huge fault in that because our teens are tomorrow’s adults and their government could just go back to donning. Why should anyone have to be killed to get a kidney or a lung when everyone has two and can live with one of necessary?
This book overall is really good, I am totally engaged, there is everything from romance to action packed in one book. It makes me excited to read it, but I guess that’s a good thing. Our lit circle discussion when well, everyone contributed evenly and there was a great amount of participation but I think we got done to early. The reason I think that is because when we were done covering the points we needed to we talked about irrelevant stuff and the discussion didn’t last for the full time.