Friday, December 17, 2010

moms and views

reponse to bianca's blog post

Sometimes I think that moms really hurt their children when it is once reveal to them, at a young age what the mom thinks.

Here, it mentions how Mother is ecstatic to have a 'real' family, hinting that Mother did not believe she once had a 'real family' before; she herself was probably abused in her childhood which caused a child abuse chain effect.

When I was about 10 my mom told me she wished she didn’t have children. That made me so sad. On top of all the bullying at schoo, everything became so overwhelming. I never felt like I was allowed to cry or share my feelings because it would be selfish. To all the other people who suffer worse, from abuse physically. I was never really sure how to deal with it, so I bottled it up. But now that I’m older I find myself get depressed often and never has it gotten better by holding it in.

My relief is always my forms of artistic style. A lot of art makes me happy, the same with music. Music is my life and part of my spirit. It’s a part of who I am. And I chose that I would never let someone talk it from me. Often my mom has tried to take my music from me, but I can sing my own songs so I don’t need an iPod to help me.

My mom has a lot of problems, and has been through a lot. Sometimes I think she tries to put that same stuff on me. That makes me sadder but we can’t help but to move on. Even though sometimes I feel like I dislike her, I don’t hate her. It’s just moms can be frustrating.
Being a mom is probably a much harder job than it seems. When we were all little, everyone thought heir parents were super heroes with riches and riches. But now today things are much different, time changes our views of them. We go from I love you to I hate you but even if I say mean stuff about my mom I do care about her

last book response to unwind

For our last class discussion we talked about
- Unwinds and memories of their parts
- The riot and why they deserve to be told they should be unwound
- And how unwinding reminds me of the holocaust
If a person receives memories from their organ that came from an unwind then why get them. I think that if they spent more time working on surgery techniques and not going back to medieval ages with chopping up people then maybe they’d get somewhere. I find it dumb that they can see that they keep killing people who are young the human race can possibly go extinct, because it is killing the offspring of other people. Why should others get to choose who lives and dies?

The riot made me angry. The ungrateful brats deserved to be told that they should be unwound, however not unwound. They are so busy thinking about how someone could be a killer that they forgot that admiral was the one who set up the whole thing. House from house they could have been killed in the houses before the graveyard, but he didn’t have that intention. I thought it was rather obvious that the whole thing was just a rumor but kids fall for rumors so easily that it’s truly sad.

Unwind reminds me of the holocaust. During the holocaust it was the killing of Jewish and other minorities. In unwind it is genocide of teens, its genocide because it’s the government who is in control of it. We don’t know who the Hitler is but there are a few differences. Concentration camps were realistic they looked murderous. Unwind camps was an illusion, everything looked happy but in reality it was just a sugar coated concentration camp with staff that told you u weren’t really going to die. I’m not sure which would be worse.

To me it could be a chain reaction because things could start off today with abortion, its legal. Then they could say “I can’t handle these kids” and just as easily kill us. Before I thought that abortion should be legalized because it’s a choice but peoples choices are not the way to go. If the world was based off the choices of regular people then the world would be more corrupt than it already is.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

response to rokhsor's blog: "we should forgive but never forget."

this is a response to one of rokhsor's blog post

My version of a famous quote goes like this, "You lie to me once, shame on you. You lie to me twice, shame on me." The quote means that once someone lies to you, shame on them because it was an act of stupidity on their part. If they lie to you another time, shame on you. The second part is "shame on me" because that would mean you would have forgiven who ever it was again and as I said before, they repeated themeselves. The whole point of this blog post is to talk about liars and people telling you all the wrong things. So here I go.

i think that she has an interesting view on this quote because i have heard it too, many times. i also have fallen for things more than once. one thing i do know is that the point of the quote is not to make you hate people who hurt you ONCE. the point of the quote is to warn you not the let them again. that being said, it becomes all about trust. unfortunately there is no real answer to a reason of why you should forgive someone, but not forgiving is the fastest way to learning how to hate. it is also a good way to gain a temper. i always thought that criminals were the worst thing ever and they should all burn die and go to hell, but when it all boils down to it everyone makes the same mistake twice, and it isn't always easy to forgive someone.

i'm not really a therapist or a smart kid but i have learned from the quote "forgive and forget" to forgive but never forget.

we are better than the people that put us down, because we don't put them down, there is no need. if someone talks about me, i do not start drama. i don't talk shit back, i leave them be. those type of people will never be happy. there was no reason to bring up the person that you did, so why start rumors and drama. its a cry for attention, and if someone wants the attention then they can have it. they can be forgiven after saying nasty stuff about me, but i will not forget and i will always take that into consideration.

i don't think by any means rokhsor is wrong for thinking how she does, but this is my own individual opinion.


some people never realize how much it hurts when they say things.
do you really honestly think they wont here you.
one way or another being the victim always hurts
but talking about someone else is easy to do without thinking
some people say mean things that hurt
some people cant stop and have to
those are the type of people who should Stop.

think with your mind
live with your heart
love with your soul
and the love that you give others will be returned.

there are people at asti who arent my friends, but i try to be nice because being mean doesnt help

name calling doesnt help.

class separation doesnt matter.

get rid of the old 8th grade, on the school bus stereotypes
leave. it . in .middle. school.

i knwo im not perfect and we have all talked about someone, but o regret it and try not to.

CD #2 UNWIND i cant believe this is the second time i did this late, im just gunna die /depressed

For the second discussion on unwind, we talked about the same things, Except the Lev issue. Lev is a you boy who has way more time then Connor and Risa to have to survive. We felt bad for Lev because he has no way of making it until we find out that he is sent to the graveyard too. Still then I feel as though Lev may be at risk of danger. I think Roland is going to try and do something to Lev, or turn Lev against Connor and Risa.
The scene in the book that was most entertaining was when Roland followed Risa into the restroom, of course risa was pissed at Connor for not interfering but it was the right thing to do. If he had attacked Roland then he would have gotten kicked out.
I think that Roland’s strategy is similar to Hitler. It is done not by attack but by smarts. He plays dumb until people figure out that he isn’t. I find it sad that he doesn’t have anything better to do with his time.
Once more we talked about donating and unwinding. My table mates and I all agree that donning is better than killing a person for an organ, but we also realized that it was also to kill off the teen population. There is a huge fault in that because our teens are tomorrow’s adults and their government could just go back to donning. Why should anyone have to be killed to get a kidney or a lung when everyone has two and can live with one of necessary?
This book overall is really good, I am totally engaged, there is everything from romance to action packed in one book. It makes me excited to read it, but I guess that’s a good thing. Our lit circle discussion when well, everyone contributed evenly and there was a great amount of participation but I think we got done to early. The reason I think that is because when we were done covering the points we needed to we talked about irrelevant stuff and the discussion didn’t last for the full time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

unwind review first to CD( i am such a -insert inappropiate words here- cuz this is late and its the end of my life...)

In our class discussion a lot of things came up, but the major thing that came up was other alternatives instead of unwinding people. When someone is sent to be unwound their parents sign them off to someone else, both Jessie and Devin thought that those things are extremely cruel. So the 3 of us talked about ways to get organs for the dying without killing teenagers to get them. We said since people die fast than people are born we could just use the dead peoples organs instead of making more dead people just to get one or two organs. One of the things that I meant to mention but did was how this unwinding reminds me of the holocaust because it’s the government’s systematic killing of teenagers. There are MANY differences from the holocaust and being unwound but it made me think of genocide in a way.
I also brought up Lev, Devin said that they should have left Lev to die because he almost got them caught but I couldn’t help but feel bad for the kid. People with religion are raised their whole lives believing things from people they are told to trust. When some random strange comes and snatches you from your father’s car even if he’s saving your life, he was thinking I’m supposed to die. I would understand because I have been told things and once corrected I didn’t believe the correction until someone I knew and trusted finally told me the truth like pastor Dan did with Lev.
We had questions and comments about how Connor was pretty stupid when he left his phone on. Devin and Jessie had to clarify because originally I thought that the truck driver ratted him out or was a cop the whole time, but they said that the truck driver was arrested and the cop got into the truck. I think that Connors fail was naive and another move like that at any time in the book would ruin his and Risa’s escape. I was also confused about where Risa came from but Jessie informed me that she was an orphan and so my questions were cleared up and overall I think the discussion was reasonably productive and successful.