Friday, November 5, 2010

A witty respones to yazen's response to my post : Nothing Happens to Be Anything

We blame Bush, however i don't think only one man is responsible for what has been done.
Well Yazen i agree that people behind George bush, like people where behind Hitler, but it isn't true that we went in on terrorist threats. it maybe all you ever hear in the news, OH GREAT BIG SCARY PLACE WITH SCARY PEOPLE AND SCARY WEAPONS!
It seems like Oil happens to be what America wants, however the "cause" of going there in the begging was to stop a possible terrorist threat towards the people of both America and the other country's we claimed were in trouble.
i think not my friend. No the government wants to keep us confused, most people stopped caring because there are too many places to keep up with.
when it was stated that one of the OH SO SCARY PLACES had a powerful nuclear weapon, they send in our men and troops to stop this terrorist attack and then someone is like "cough cough no cough cough weapons cough cough oil".
it is NOT a coiencidence that we go to OPEC countries and fight. if we win the war, reparations will be made probably in oil, not in money. it'd give me a good laugh if that really happened. it seems as though i am crude toward our government but i am not stupid and nor is anyone else. if there isnt enough evidence of americas issues that the government tries to desprately cover up, walk outside, go to a car dealer ship and ask wheres the electric cars. Go to the airport and ask the manager how many electric planes do you have. Dont let people give you the half-assed excuse that we dont have the technology, that is a bunch of BS. Im pretty damn sure that we have the technology.
I say it's all a bunch of crap. Wiping out thousands of men, women, and children isn't a problem to any humans these days. It seems like Oil happens to be what America wants
Oil doesnt happen to be in the spots we fight, IT IS WHAT WE FIGHT FOR. OIL OVER LIVES. its what the people who really run america have come to, yeah its wrong but nothing happens by chance. After i wrote my essay i quickyly learned that we dont have enough oil in america to last us that long.

you can find his post on my post here