Monday, November 1, 2010

124 kite runner discussion


AMIR- Amir is the main character of the kite runner; he is his own antagonist at this point in the story. A big conflict arises when Amir doesn’t help Hassan in the alley when he was being sexually assaulted by Assef. This shows a lot about his character, Hassan was always kind to Amir so we ask why Amir didn’t protected Hassan like Hassan had protected him. This lies deep in Amir’s relationship with his father. Amir’s father__ was not good for him, didn’t encourage, show kindness, or cherish his son. So when Hassan did all of these things for no reason I think it true irked him internally. He wondered why Hassan doesn’t hate me, so often. Amir knew he was wrong but he was also jealous of Hassan because he was so pure and kind and his father and Amir’s father showed kindness to him. He was envious that Hassan didn’t envy him, Hassan felt complete with almost nothing. Amir stopped talking to Hassan after the incident in the alley because he was guilty and he knew it. Deep down he wanted to help but he felt hopeless and he cowered. He was glad it wasn’t him but he felt terrible for letting Hassan go through that. He didn’t act quick enough and he over thought the situation when he was witnessing it. Hassan hadn’t thought when he defended Amir from Assef the previous time, and for not standing up for Hassan, Amir became self hating it seems. He didn’t have the guts to face Hassan and be his friend because he felt like he didn’t deserve it, but he lied and said he didn’t know what happened to Hassan because he was too concerned over himself and his own punishment. If Amir was even a considerate person he would have helped. His character comes off kind to Rahim, loving to Baba, unengaged with Ali, selfish with Hassan, and hating toward himself. I was pretty sad when I read “that” part in the book and as of right now I’m viewing amir as a person who hasn’t made up his mind on what kind of person he will be, and it wasn’t stored in his heart by his father so I ultimately blame them both for amirs’s foolish thoughts