Saturday, January 29, 2011

FFFFFUUUU >:[ late debate rebuttal. -yells-

Sam’s opening response is very agreeable, in his debate he argues that

“…the best first step that can be taken against terrorism is to create an understanding between the United States Government and nonviolent Muslims.”
In America now there is a lot of racism toward people who are Arabian or middle eastern. Also there is way more anti-Islam encouragement and so he states,
Americans made many enemies when they denied the building of the harmless structure. Until we can accept something like this, we will not improve relations with the nonviolent Muslims,
On sam’s debate at first I thought his second topic about how America likes to change other countries was a little off topic from the opening statement. However after reading the paragraph after that I saw how he tied the ideas together. I thought maybe it would have helped if he would have made a separate paragraph about being tolerant and accepting.
Overall it was a good writing and it had lots of strong points. The only thing that I saw that could be fixed is the over use of the word we.
We can build shelters for refugees outside of their borders.
We can reform U.S. immigration laws, but what we can’t do is change those countries government and philosophy. We attempted to do end communism in Korea, and failed. We attempted to do the same, in Vietnam, and failed. We for a while have been trying to change the Chinese treatment of its workforce, but they are not showing any major signs of changing.
Also he didn’t describe and elaborate on the racism, and anti-islam issues.
The quote and the whole essay seems to have been very accurate and I don’t doubt that this is a major problem in America. However my opinion is that terrorism doesn’t just happen, someone did something to somebody to piss them off. So how can we blame the terrorist for being mad and radical when America is acting like a bully, Pushing around other countries, which sam pointed out, never works.
We can build shelters for refugees outside of their borders. We can reform U.S. immigration laws, but what we can’t do is change those countries government and philosophy. We attempted to do end communism in Korea, and failed. We attempted to do the same, in Vietnam, and failed. We for a while have been trying to change the Chinese treatment of its workforce, but they are not showing any major signs of changing.
Also the government cannot be trusted to inform the people. Now in the modern age even America’s government hides their cruel actions, deceive its own citizens.

Friday, January 21, 2011

terrorist and protection. the preperation steps: pt 1

Terrorist are a threat to all nations in any place. On September 11th 2001 a terrorist attack on the United States of America occurred. Things changed new suspicions of trusting government occurred and terrorist watched it happen or died in the action.

To protect our nation from terrorist attacks there are 3 main things we need: a good leader, a safe government, and loyal citizens.

The 2000 election was a complete disaster, George bush won over al gore and no one knew what was going on. The election had seemed to be rigged. The problem is that their shouldn’t be any controversial topics when it comes to knowing who the leader of a country is. The president of the United States should be who we vote for. If the people make up the nation then why shouldn’t the people have the fair right to vote? If the elections where going to be dirty why bother voting at all.

The government is very shady as well. The rich don’t pay taxes, the greedy get the money. My question WHY? There is no answer because the government needs to keep their dirty little secrets under the rug. I’m a firm believer in sharing information with the people because when things interrupt the lives of people with the greed of some white guy.

It’s essential as well for the citizens to cooperate with the law in order to “form a more perfect union”. The people protest but gang violence, and street fights are just what we don’t need any more of. Every time you turn on the news it’s “girl died” “mom killed” “son shot”. People need to practice some control over their streets. Littering, being loud, and causing trouble. It needs to stop.

This relates because the first step to preventing terrorist is a unified nation that is well organized. Once we solve our problems we can handle the terrorist in a way that can be useful. When the people trust the government and support the cause of every day needs, when the government can be trusted, and when the leader is someone the people the government and the foreign countries can be trusted. THEN THE NATION can fight of the nasty terrorist germ.

Friday, January 14, 2011

stealing reponse to bassam lulzy

Okay so this is my response to bassam’s post. It’s about stealing.
My idea on stealing is:

WHY: people usually steal because they don’t have the money, some do it for the rush, and some do it to rebellious or help others even.

Problem: the problem with that is stealing is like a double edged sword you lose and gain some. I think it really sucks if you don’t have enough money to buy food and steal. My brother is homeless, not that I am proud but I love him and he got arrested for stealing. He got caught and went to jail for a few days. But he deserved it because wrong is wrong.

People who steal for kicks get their ass kick. Why steal when you are RICH. That is taking for granted everything that people do for money, and all the poor people who don’t steal. It’s tragic that people think it’s funny. Those types of things are horrible deeds and should not go unnoticed. The problem though is that rich people who steal usually know what they are doing and if they get caught they get a slap on the wrist because daddy has bride money. But in the end that hurts them and the government because their kids grow up to be liars thieves’ druggies and cheaters. I’m sure if you cheat at Harvard you would get kick out the of the class at least. And that’s what’s wrong with our government today. They steal from middle class when WE DON’T HAVE ALL THE MONEY. I don’t see rich people working hard to pay taxes and STILL have dinner on Christmas and maybe a pair of shoes for the kids. Yet their kids are stealing.

Rebellious kids usually get traits from traumatic memories. I can see that someone who never had anything might steal because they want something. But when it’s a matter of wanting something I think that even the poor kids who get banged up in gangs and stuff like that are able to get out one way and get help another. Unfortunately some gangs who steal and do other things like that usually won’t let that person get away without putting a bullet in his (excuse my French) ass.

what you do vs. where you go. and merit and race . best and worse

for the weakest, as the class agreed it was merit and race. i had alot of issues with it, but the main one was it encouraged giving in to societies expectation of low acceptance. i speak this way in the mind set that when i go to college that i will not have any problem getting in because I am African American. My standards are already high because I know my competition. And I go up and above, or try because I want to be an exceptional student and I want to be successful in life.

People have this sort of mind set that no one ever includes them in things but when It comes to this sort of thing they just give up. Its shameful because the things that are worth fighting for in “minorities” isn’t gangs drugs or money. Its education. “the mind is a terrible thing to waste” was the UNCF’s campaign slogan and yet people still waste there minds on stupid things.
However ”where you go vs. what you do”( Martha O’Conell ) is a very legitimate article. As I stated in a class discussion if I wanted to be a pilot why would I go to Harvard? The fact is the way people see you may be different by the college you went to but your job is much more important. I’m sure a mechanic shop wants you to know cars, not … e =mc2.

I do how ever wish that people didn’t care what college you go to though because the way I see it is that it shouldn’t matter as long as you studied the right field. Some people are racist and some people aren’t and that’s just the way it is. If a minority isn’t accepted into a college because of their race then that’s a problem for the schools because soon other countries will catch and surpass America. Only because it is un reasonable to not accept a citizen into a college because of their race. Again I don’t actually see myself as the one to have issues getting into college and I am confident that if I work together with others like me, we could perhaps protest or try to change colleges of America for the better.

looks, doing things, changing. ~ why not be yourself

DON’T WANT: Personally I wouldn’t really change anything about myself. No matter how much I complain, I love myself. I wouldn’t trade any part of my face to be prettier, or my body to be sexy or anything like that. Not in a conceited way but nothing is better for me than being me ; In my own skin. No ones pimples are like mine and no one has hair just like mine either. Im not being self absorbed again, I just believe that im fine the way I am, even if it is my natural tendency to down on myself. If I felt I wanted to change myself I wouldn’t depend on anyone else but myself either.

DON’T NEED: I wouldn’t go get tattoos, perms, contacts (unless it’s a joke or costume). I also don’t want people changing me. Im not going to let a robot wipe my ass and feed me then extract the fat from my body and dispose of it. That’s not necessary. I can feed myself; I’ve been wiping my own ass since I was 1 and a half years old. I don’t want a maid and I definitely don’t want other people making my cup of noodles. ~I wouldn’t upgrade my body parts either. If I wanted to be taller then I’d eat a lot of proteins and pray to grow taller. If I wanted to be skinnier id work out. I’m not going to use foundation because I don’t want gook on my face when acne eventually goes away.

PROPS TO: People with prosthetic body parts are cool because they found themselves a way to not be glued to a wheelchair; I admire them for the brains behind their invention and use of prosthetics. However I would rather work out any day them take the easy way out with liposuction or something dumb like that. There is always a way to be different without being fake or taking the easy way out.

DICUSSING: I talked with Kasia about this. Beauty is within, pretty is on the outside. There is always more to a person than looks. Sometimes it may be hard to find something to like about a person but you should challenge yourself. Find something in every person you meet!