Saturday, September 18, 2010

what did cheerleaders do GOSH

 I found this quote I want to expand on in Lhadze's blog.

 "their weaklings who are wimps without the cheerleading squad behind them"
it really makes me giggle inside my head to see being a cheerleader used a stereotype for a bully. at the same time it bothers me and id just like to point out that not all cheerleaders are the evilest people ever. alot of them are weird, like not even joking they are weird like enjoying putting baloney on their faces. My point in saying that is mainly a cheer squad might think its cute to imitate something like mean girls or what ever but media is making the stereo types even worse. I of all people know words hurt. I hurt people with my words sometimes and sometimes people hurt me.

these girls who are considered so evil aren't evil at all. its just america likes to take  a small group and generalize the whole town based off of one person they met there. we are all guilty of being judgmental. how could u possibly thing with out judging right. the difference is whether the judgement is prejudice or not. People say things sometimes that are mean, and make other people feel like the poop of the poop. while yeah its not nice and its mean and evil and blah blah blah, it's going to happen. its human nature to judge but it doesn't have to be human nature to be prejudice.

and now *drum roll* i will put in a poetry piece to go along with what i wrote

if i had a cat and he was fat i'd call him a lazy cat.
what if he wasnt lazy.
same with a person,
if i saw a person and called him fat
what if it was built in their genes to be that way
and of all the things we tend to say the ones that hurt most are the ones that are from the mouths of people who didnt know

if i had purple skin and weird eyes would that make me an alien. whos to say. why does it matter if im an alien. are you the alien police. i think not! GOSH

lol idk why i wrote that but i like it an it made me laugh