Friday, September 17, 2010

this weeks analysis

Sometimes you just gotta deal with it:
 This week has been the whiniest week of my life. I have need seen so much whining and I have never whined so much. I don't think that whining is a good think personally. I’m not really sure how to avoid whining or venting. It’s like word vomit, it just easy to say something. It just rolls right off of my tongue, but it’s venomous and it can be very offensive to other people. I’m not sure how to vent but therapy could be an option.

Maybe I should just go cry: 
Well I mean it’s not like I can’t cry, so why not? I think people should cry more. Without being a cry baby. I’m trying to avoid brain tumors 

Facebook you don’t want to know what's on my mind:
Don’t ever ask me what’s on my mind because I will lie. Not for the heck of it. But back to what I said, I talk about something; it comes out as word vomit. So what to do. Wing it, make something up. 

People on dumb stuff: 
Yeah everyone is tired of them but they never go away. I feel whiney right now. I want to sing, sing a song. I feel like writing a song 

realizing that its hard to get over hurt of someone close to you is hard and personally its hard for me to not vent. to those that i vent to please ignore me. ignorance is mans greatest weakness, and that i have known for a long time. i wish i could have applied it. oh well, im sorta just waiting around on my butt. is it because im bored no, is it because im depressed maybe of is it because i need to learn how to not act like a 60 year old woman. i mean really? who watches soap operas. no one...